The Gifts of awareness that flow from studying with Annam will multiply as you ponder them and begin your discussions in this format.

our personal sessions, satsangs, teleLinks, group courses, and residential immersion study are ripe with muses.
nclude realizations, wonderings. Perhaps sprinkle some quotes that Annam brought through from the God Blog level (she's playing here as I type this). Bring us questions, inspirations, poetic revelations ... whatever came to you via the explosive core awakenings and openings that may still be thundering through. Go for it!

From the Heart

gives a means to focus on the
powerful Truths that are being unveiled. As you revel, fellow Revelers shall have a possibility to open into new levels of understanding right alongside these, your now obviously venerable notes.

Thank you for being a part of this endowment.


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To start a brand new blog topic, email us what you plan to post at info@TheHeartGate.org

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ascension... a 24 hour Illumining 2009

During Ascension, Elle guided to experience the four Directives:

The first is to know our self as Love.
We come the remembrance that at our core there is Love.

The second is the I AM.We remember that we are not alone and know that it is not our self Loving, but Love that is dissolving our self into Oneness.

The third is to give the body over be the Vessel for Love to come to Earth.

The fourth is to allow the Love of others to come through us.
We experience how all these steps form a circle. As your Love flows through us, we know it to be the same Love we first found at our own core.


  1. During Ascension, I learned that a saint, angel or reverent one, no matter how sacred he or she feels to him or herself cannot be here in service unless he gives up the guise of being a savior or angel acting alone, even as the True Self.

    That it is impossible to stand at the gate or just behind it and say I am here to help, that this too is a place I must forsake.

    That I must give over who I thought I was, even the saint, even the angel, no matter how good, if she stands apart from those she is helping, she can never be in the flow. The gate must go through me and dissolve me. I cannot be one, only won by the Oneness.

    Sometimes we worry about how to love another. I learned this is because we are still worried that there is someone here loving, even if that person is a saint or angel or martyr or savior sent to Love. There must be no one here but God or Love itself loving, for God and Love itself knows no other voice but to Love.

  2. Beautifully stated, Atala.

    The Ascension retreat was wonderful on so many levels. In retrospect, the illumination that was occuring seems impossible in the short 24 hour's time... as we traditionally measure it. There was an undeniable shift in the acceleration of my journey from within...

    I continue to stand in awe and gratitude at how the energy at Heart Gate seems to foster this progression time and time again.

    One of the many teachings I integrated into all my being was:
    "I holy you so that God can come here. I see the God in you…not the experience side of you".
