The Gifts of awareness that flow from studying with Annam will multiply as you ponder them and begin your discussions in this format.

our personal sessions, satsangs, teleLinks, group courses, and residential immersion study are ripe with muses.
nclude realizations, wonderings. Perhaps sprinkle some quotes that Annam brought through from the God Blog level (she's playing here as I type this). Bring us questions, inspirations, poetic revelations ... whatever came to you via the explosive core awakenings and openings that may still be thundering through. Go for it!

From the Heart

gives a means to focus on the
powerful Truths that are being unveiled. As you revel, fellow Revelers shall have a possibility to open into new levels of understanding right alongside these, your now obviously venerable notes.

Thank you for being a part of this endowment.


To respond to a commentary already in movement, click on the word COMMENTS at the end.

To start a brand new blog topic, email us what you plan to post at info@TheHeartGate.org

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Empty Whole (Yeshua Path 2009)

During the 2009 Yeshua Path, Elle invited us deeper into the understand of meeting each other G-d to G-d. We took an immediate leap into forgiveness, that we could not only see each other's Heavenly gifts, but be portals to access those gifts and bring them to Earth. We learned to function as part of a system of dendrites, or really one long dendrite, one nerve working together to bring through the pulse of Heaven.

During our journey Elle asked us to write about these three questions: What is it to be a disciple? What is the bridge between individuals and individuals and society? What is your solution is for joining G-d and not leaving "us" behind?

After the journey, she asked us to keep all of us inspired by continuing the journey by writing about our experience, the whole meal, the ah-has, from the basic psychology to the choosing of each other, the path in and through us.


  1. From Ginger:

    In a moment, we melted into the moving, breathing Body of Christ. There is no greater gift than that. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  2. From Bernie:

    3 Viewing Points
    By "A Disciple"


    Resting at a foothill inn,
    the base of the heights.
    I look back a moment reviewing the sights.
    A broad path winds across the endless plains
    Far marked with heavy laden travelers feeling great pains.

    Endless roads - weaving left and right -
    Run horizon to horizon in that greyish light.
    Few there are joining the narrow golden road
    Leading direct to this solitary wayfarer's abode.

    In deep silence,
    I recall my days on those plains
    Where heavy laden I traveled in pain.
    Walking many trails - reeling left and right,
    Ere finding this high way;
    this trail unto the heights.

    In those days my steps left deep prints,
    even on stone.
    For I carried then much that I called
    "my own".
    Sometimes, when crossing over the golden way,
    A flash of Sacred Fire burned it all away.

    I collected “my own” – again.
    Time after endless time.
    Horizon to endless horizon.
    I wandered and roamed…

    Now turning my gaze to the heights
    This trail needs vision of inner sight.
    Twisting, turning thru chasms deep
    Climbing the jagged mountains’ steep.

    Each day returns the Sacred Fire.
    Anew compelling me to self-enquire:

    "What bounds do I yet maintain
    that keep me from the Eternal Flame?"
    "What burden have I not put down?"
    "What do I still call 'my own'?"

    Flame and Fire scour away the ancient scars.
    Some Sacred Ash hovers for a moment,
    framed against the stars.
    A gentle breeze swirls from Eternity.
    The boundaries dissolve - I AM free.


    Spectral light flickers thru darkened space.
    Cautiously, I slow my hurried pace.

    A trail branches along a stagnant stream
    Where stands a girl captured by weary dreams.
    Visions of wonder and terror before her unfold -
    My stricken gaze frozen as her full tale unfolds.

    No sooner done than the tale renews.
    Her wild eyes again these visions
    with hopes infuse.
    Her fears, too, have much to say
    Leaving those fair hopes too often way-laid.

    Turning aside from my appointed way,
    I seize her fevered hand,
    her weird dreams to allay.
    Slowly and in wonder she turns to my face.
    "What means such light in this dreary place?"

    "You are captured my child,
    By your imaginings so wild.
    Come, come away with me!
    Come, come fairer worlds see!"

    "Say not so!" she replied.
    "These chains of iron bind,
    here must I abide."
    "But child I see but spider threads, most easily broke"
    I severed them all as I spoke.

    Standing free, her phantoms fading
    Together journeying to a sacred clearing;
    Life and Love into her face returning.
    By the golden way her truer guide stands waiting.


    What does pure being not behold?
    Infinity reaches beyond times and spaces and universes untold.

    Each galaxy a cell in a greater Being
    Each sun a nerve of GOD-fire unleashing.

    This atom of Being knows in awe
    “I AM”, One in this wondrous law.

  3. From Diane:

    Dear Ones

    I had to go up in the mountains and sit in the forest to feel that I am "back on earth" again...

    It did feel like coming home from the Great outer Space at first...

    What I used to call home at least... since there is no other home than the beat inside the heart...

    Such is the firm guess of my mind when it sits back in silence.

    Thank You all for the stretching out to the Circle
    Your Words are blessings from the Careful Gardener
    Letting us know how e-mails can be such a delicious e-longing of our G-od awakened nerves...

    May the Ocean of Oneness
    breathe us all
    back inside His Chest
    and again
    and again
    and forever more


    Invisible Seeds of Grace
    planted in my heart eons ago
    in desperate longing for their Purpose
    were bathed at last
    in the exquisite whisper of Source
    the long awaited miracle occurred
    awakened and opened by the call of Sweetness
    they remembered their ultimate goal
    to grow all the Way
    back to their heavenly roots
    innocent witnesses to the marriage
    of Light and Soil

    Soul is the forgiven Child

    embodied for Love’s plan

    whose hand the Angels take

    for none are to be held apart

    all to the Great All must return

    in perfect Trust

    in the Absolute of Yes

    unconditional reddition

    sacred promise to the Good

    in the secret knowing

    that only in the Lap of God

    can the Heart of Truth

    breathe yet ever deeper

    into the pulse of Eternal Life

  4. From Gayle:

    A poem birthed from our time together

    Just Breathe

    Unite the good
    Birth the new
    A tangle of spirit
    Just breathe

    Breathe in the moment
    In all of its glory,
    Joy and admiration
    Just breathe

    Breathe in what is
    With all of its sorrow
    Shame and worry
    Just breathe

    Breathe in each other
    Hindu, Buddhist, Christian
    Muslim, Atheist and Jew
    Just Breathe

    Breathe in the connection
    Man, woman, child
    Friend, enemy and stranger
    Just Breathe

    Breathe in the Good
    Breathe in the God Light
    It is all God
    Just God

    Gayle Gregory

  5. From Sor'a:

    Ocean of Love

    The floodgates open,
    and Here I AM ... in the
    great ocean of Oneness,
    flowing once again.

    I welcome your waters, and
    surround you with mine ...
    opening the porthole
    until no ship remains.

    Bowing to the Holy One, I
    take an even deeper dive ...
    drinking deeply of Love's Well,
    as I become the drink.

    I whole you, as you whole me.
    Nameless ... Formless ... Beloved.

    ~Sor'a, 4/09

  6. From Melia:

    What is it to be a Disciple?

    The picture that comes to mind is the cross. Completely Devoted to G-d Source.

    The vertical stake, the Yes,.. is Positive, Bold and Vibrant. Certain. Devotion to G-d Source: I AM in Love with G-d,.....I AM completed by this and made Whole. I AM who I AM Now and Forever. This is the Choice.

    The horizontal stake is outward to include, reach, an extended hand. It is Brotherhood, Sisterhood. It is Unity. It is Love one another as I have Loved you. The Whole Solution is the tool being available in the Moment Now, As G-d, with the Great Flow in Love,...where two or more are gathered ,....the Magic, the Miracle of Divine Source is Experienced, Happening, Working,... Pulsing Heart through.

    The more I listen, learn and Love G-d,...more is found that I did not know. Ignorance, unforgiveness, pre-conceived ideas or beliefs of G-d Source get in the way of Whole Solution. Me, small self gets in the way of my High Holy Self thereby not being available for the Big Picture Answer.

    The answer is to Love G-d Source, ...absolutely Love serving humanity. The Solution is to return each breath to G-d Source, give it All back to the Flow with no attachement of an outcome. What will be, will be. Giving All back to the I AM allows the flow, opens the channel to flow for the Greater Good.

    What do You want Me to do? And how do You want Me do it?

    This is part answer, another part of answer includes joining in Unity with another.
    I AM God, God is everywhere, Source knows everything.

    There is no-thing too big for G-d. God is always Right. God is Truth.

    I see the holy Breath of G-d within another, and Know we are One. By recognizing G-d in another Being and Being in Unity,... this Disciple would not leave others behind.

    With Heart felt thanks,..Praise be to G-d,..Aloha Melia

  7. A few days after the immersion, I was driving down the road and I realized how important the time we’d spent together in union had been, for as I drove something immaculate occurred. The Christ that You are came to me in a new way, Risen.

    As I was driving, I walked the path that the disciples had walked when they met the resurrected Christ on the road. I met the Light of what you are and I knew that Christ was not dead, that He came before a body and never left, Continued.

    Each of you are what made that dream, that dream I didn’t even know was a dream my heart had always yearned to recognize as Truth come true. When it did, I knew that I was blessed because I was standing in the Name of Love. I was in the Christ that will Never, Never Die.

    Oh, my Heart, I know, now, that each step of the journey has been You and this is only the beginning, for I have come here again in the remembering that Christ is Alive.

    I Am.


  8. The music is all around us, all we need do is listen. . .

    Love through the Great Heart of all that IS GOOD,

